
商品番号 T4-610
定価 オープン価格
¥ 39,600 税込
2件中 1-2件表示
  • 購入者
    Type of camping: Solo camping with a car About the tent: Style: 5/5 The design is super cute and stylish. Set up / take down: 4/5 It is really easy for 1 person to set up the tent if they are strong. You have to pull really hard on the string. Weatherproof: 3/5 Rain came into my tent and I got wet on my recent camping trip. This made me really sad because now I am nervous to go camping if there is rain. Overall: If the weather is nice, I would recommend this tent. However, know that it does leak if there is rain.
  • 購入者
    愛知県 30代 男性
    インパクト絶大で、結構な頻度で可愛いって言ってもらえる大好きなテントです。 ワンタッチなので設営は楽ですし、コスパも良いです◎ 雨風にも強くおすすめですよ!
2件中 1-2件表示